simplebot-org/simplebot_mastodon: Mastodon ↔️ DeltaChat bridge
github.com/simplebot-org/simplebot_mastodonMastodon ↔️ DeltaChat bridge. Contribute to simplebot-org/simplebot_mastodon development by creating an account on GitHub.
The Phrontistery: Obscure Words and Vocabulary Resources
phrontistery.info/index.htmlEnglish obscure words and etymology resources: online dictionary of weird and unusual words, word lists, technical vocabulary aids, lipograms, and word related essays
The Ultimate List of DRM-free Bookshops
libreture.com/bookshopsA regularly updated list of online shops that sell DRM-free ebooks, digital comics, magazines, and RPGs. Helping hundreds of readers a month discover over 400 DRM-free bookshops.
Mail-in-a-Box Setup Guide
mailinabox.email/guide.htmlSetup instructions for Mail-in-a-Box. Take back control of your email with this easy-to-deploy mail server in a box.
Exploding Dots
gdaymath.com/courses/exploding-dotsExploding Dots are sweeping the globe! Consistently described as "mind blowing," this mathematical experience will completely revolutionize your thinking of school arithmetic, algebra, and beyond. Exploding Dots are so exciting that their story has thrilled millions -- YES MILLIONS -- of students and teachers and parents and administrators across the globe. They are a global phenomenon. (Check out www.globalmathproject.org too.)
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky
www.madore.org/~david/math/drawordinals.html#?v=oo2.1.&i=0&l=QuasiMusic — Greg Egan
Know Your Rights Flyers | Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)
www.cliniclegal.org/resources/protecting-your-community/know-your-rights/know-your-rights-flyersThese flyers explain your rights in various places and contexts.
Transmasculine DIY HRT Guide
diyhrt.info/transmasc-guideAll the information you need to be informed on DIY Hormone Replacement Therapy
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RSS Parrot
rss-parrot.netHome of RSS Parrot, a free Fediverse service that lets you turn Mastodon into an RSS or Atom feed reader.
Ugliness Needed
www.charliecleveland.com/ugliness-neededWhen starting to make a new game, one must start with a prototype. And that prototype needs to be ugly. Why is that?
1. It means you don't need one of your precious 2 or 3 prototypers to be a good artist, capable of the particular type of art it
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WIPO Domain Name Decision: D2006-0655
www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/decisions/html/2006/d2006-0655.htmlYet another corporation trying to bully people out of their domain names.
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JavaScript dos and donts @ Mu-An Chiou
When the core functionality of a feature cannot function with only HTML.
When the core functionality of a feature can benefit from some JavaScript. Start with only HTML, then progressively enhance it, so it can still work without Jav...
Open Heart Protocol
openheart.fyiThe Open Heart protocol lets an anonymous user sends an emoji reaction to a URL.
Personal Work
www.renniekingsley.com/personal-work.htmlTHE ART OF RENNIE KINGSLEY
How I Made A Laptop From Scratch
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Convert toki pona text to speech
tilde.club/~wasolili/tokispeaka browser based tool to render toki pona text to a very robotic audio.
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List of discredited substances - Wikipedia
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The Planet Construction Kit : Resources
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zompist.com/yingzi/yingzi.htmThe English spelling system is such a pain, we'd might as well switch to hanzi-- Chinese characters. How should we go about it?
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Game UI Database
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Solenoid (mathematics) - Wikipedia
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SLUM: The Shadow Library Uptime Monitor
open-slum.orgThis dashboard tracks the availability of popular shadow libraries in real time from a US-based server.
Anatomy of a Hissy Fit: How Left-Liberal Rape Culture Thrives
awningfawning.xyz/anatomy-of-a-hissy-fit-how-left-liberal-rape-culture-thrivesYesterday, Jourdain Searles responded to a Twitter user expressing shock that there was a podcast about the Gaiman allegations six months ago, which they hadn't heard about, by saying "it's because the original investigation against him was headed by TERFs who were going after him for supporting trans people. there was a lot of skepticism regarding who the messengers were." This post got a lot of pushback because it is almost entirely lies.
Tortoise Media's reporting was done by a TERF. Tortoise Media had the story because Gaiman's victims, per their own attestations, were repeatedly rebuffed by mainstream news outlets. No one else wanted to take this story.
Within days of the allegations breaking, transcripts were available from a volunteer, and extensive summaries of the allegations were available not just on Tortoise's website but on social media, from feminists who are not trans-excluding. The podcast contains the victims speaking with their own voices; within weeks, the victims themselves confirmed that the podcast was a fair representation of their allegations. In other words, within a very short period of time, there was copious information to support the conclusion that the allegations of serial rape were in fact credible.
There was never any evidence that Gaiman was targeted for supporting trans people. This implies the opposite of what the victims described: reaching out to many, many journalists while desperate to share their stories and being rebuffed or ignored.
The silence in question was not exclusive to people who care about trans rights. The Guardian did not report on the allegations. Tor's industry publication Reactor didn't report on them. Many, many highly visible SFF industry publications and individuals stayed completely silent. Gaiman, meanwhile, had retained a PR firm whose stated strategy is stonewalling accusers.
HyperRogue - Curves
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marcusb.org/hacks/quixotic.htmlQuixotic is a nonsense generator designed to help static website operators confuse and confound bots and content-stealing LLM scrapers.
TERFs, Trans Mascs, and Two Steve Feminism
jude-doyle.ghost.io/terfs-trans-mascs-and-two-steve-feminismWhy would someone who is “really” a woman “want to be” a man? Easy: She’s experiencing sexism, and she wants out. So do you, but you are fighting sexism the right way, by being a feminist. This other person, who claims to have “gender dysphoria,” is just trying to cut to the head of the line. They’re cheating. They’re trying to become the oppressor rather than fighting the oppression. Why would anyone be a trans man? Because they’re a bad, sexist person. That’s the only possible answer. After all: It's not like they will literally die if they don't transition. Right?
If they want to be men, why, you’ll treat them like men! But with a particular, angry emphasis, because you view their manhood as a betrayal! And this is not only feminist, it is trans-inclusive, because you’re treating them the same way you would any other guy!
They aren’t “any other guy.” They’re trans guys, and you’re a cis person, and as such, you hold social and political power over them, which you are ignoring in order to assume total authority over an experience you do not share, and (this seems pertinent) to get away with treating somebody like crap because they are transgender. You're not treating them the way you treat "any other guy," you're treating them the way you treat trans guys, and the way you treat trans guys is: Bad.
Generic Space Theme - SCP Foundation
scp-wiki.wikidot.com/theme:spaceStars, Comets, Planets.
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How to Bind a Book: 4 Cheap and Simple DIY Methods
www.wikihow.com/Bind-a-BookLearn how to bind your own booklet using string, tape, or ribbonDo you want to start a scrapbook, nature journal, or diary? You can, of course, buy a suitable book at the store, but if you really want to make it your own, perhaps it's time...
Battle System - ATB (YEP) - Yanfly.moe Wiki
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I decided to “vectorize” all the sitelen sitelen glyphs as a way of memorizing the script.
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Surreal Nimbers: No, that's not a typo!
www.goodmath.org/blog/2007/04/30/surreal-nimbers-no-thats-not-a-typo(A substantial part of this post was rewritten since it was first posted. I managed to mangle things while editing, and the result was not particularly comprehensible: for example, in the original …
Good Math/Bad Math
www.goodmath.org/blogThe beauty of math; the humor of stupidity.
Arabic numerals have nothing to do with angle counting!
www.goodmath.org/blog/2015/07/21/arabic-numerals-have-nothing-to-do-with-angle-countingThere’s an image going around that purports to explain the origin of the arabic numerals. It’s cute. It claims to show why the numerals that we use look the way that they do. Here it is…
All clocks are 30 seconds late
victorpoughon.fr/all-clocks-are-30-seconds-lateAll the above clocks have one thing in common: they don't show seconds. They truncate down to the nearest lower whole minute, right? So when it's actually 14:15:45, they'll show 14:15.
And when the actual time goes from 14:15:59 to 14:16:00, then that's when your clock changes from 14:15 to 14:16.They apply the floor function!
Coinage and the Tyranny of Fantasy ‘Gold’
acoup.blog/2025/01/03/collections-coinage-and-the-tyranny-of-fantasy-goldFunctionally no one used gold in any amount in every-day transactions in the ancient or medieval Mediterranean (or most other places!), because a gold coin at almost any size was such an enormous monetary unit as to be unsuited to most transactions. That in turn conceals some of the sharpness of wealth and class distinctions in pre-modern society in ways that flatten and frankly ‘modernize’ these societies. And it also misunderstands the economic systems of these societies, because it doesn’t understand what sort of transactions people would even want to use money for, which further flattens and modernizes these societies.