LibreScore/webmscore: MuseScore's core library (libmscore) in WebAssembly! Read mscz data, and generate audio/MIDI/MusicXML/SVG/PNG/PDF sheets right in browsers.
github.com/LibreScore/webmscoreMuseScore's core library (libmscore) in WebAssembly! Read mscz data, and generate audio/MIDI/MusicXML/SVG/PNG/PDF sheets right in browsers. - LibreScore/webmscore
jummb.usJummBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental music.
subalterngames.com/cacophony/index.htmlCacophony is a minimalist and ergonomic MIDI sequencer. It's minimalist in that it doesn't have a lot of functionality MIDI sequencers have. It's ergonomic in that there is no mouse input and a very clean interface, allowing you to juggle less inputs and avoid awkward mouse motions.
www.beepbox.coBeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental music.
isartum.net/apotomeA browser-based generative music environment based on octave-repeating microtonal tuning systems and their subsets (scales/modes).
www.mapeditor.orgFlexible level editor
Inform: The Program
ganelson.github.io/informGruescript by Robin Johnson
versificator.itch.io/gruescriptCreate point-and-click text adventures
AXMA Story Maker JS English Version
tny.m15o.net/index.phpThumby Code Editor
www.solarus-games.orgA free and open-source 2D game engine.
Playdate Pulp
play.date/pulpPulp is a click-and-place, fun, quirky game studio for Playdate. Make a game with no code, or maybe a little code.
Ogmo Editor 3
ogmo-editor-3.github.ioA free, open source, project oriented level editor made for indie game developers by indie game developers.
zenzoa.github.io/mosiflicksy by candle
candle.itch.io/flicksya tool for drawing and assembling graphical hypertext games
paladin-t.github.io/kits/gbbGB BASIC is a retro Fantasy Console that generates ROMs compatible with the popular handheld game console.
GB Studio
gbstudio.devA quick and easy to use drag and drop retro game creator for your favourite handheld video game system.
downpour.gamesDownpour is the best app for making games on your phone. Collage together photos, drawings and text, and then connect them into an interactive story. It's genuinely quick and easy to use — you can make a game before your tea has gone cold. Once you've made a game with Downpour, what then? You can share it with your friends inside the app, or post the link for anyone to play.
kool.tools/bipsibipsi is a tool for making small games where a character explores a world and interacts with its inhabitants.
Vegan Fidelity
veganfidelity.comSome clarity in an increasingly noisy world. This blog is focused on applying a critical eye to the vegan and animal rights world, and help answer questions that may not be found elsewhere.
Black Vegans Rock
www.blackvegansrock.comBlack Vegans Rock was founded by Aph Ko after she wrote the first list that spotlighted 100 Black Vegans for Striving with Systems. She decided to research and compile a list of influential Black vegans who were doing incredible work to dismantle the stereotype that veganism was a “white person’s” thing.
The Sad Bastard Cookbook by tRaum Books
traumbooks.itch.io/the-sad-bastard-cookbookby Rachel A. Rosen and Zilla Novikov || Food you can make so you don't die.
itdoesnttastelikechicken.comDiscover easy vegan recipes on It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken, your go-to food blog by Sam Turnbull, 3x bestselling cookbook author.
itdoesnttastelikechicken.comDiscover easy vegan recipes on It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken, your go-to food blog by Sam Turnbull, 3x bestselling cookbook author.
Vegan Kitchen Magick
www.vegankitchenmagick.comStirring up magick in my vegan kitchen!
Vegan Recipes Made Easy + Healthy - The Simple Veganista
simple-veganista.comA vegan food blog sharing approachable vegan recipes that are deliciously healthy and easy to make with whole food plant based ingredients.
Simple Recipes That Make You Feel Good
minimalistbaker.comCelebrating simple cooking with recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minute or less to prepare. All eaters are welcome.
recipes index
www.vegkit.com/recipesHundreds of plant-based vegan recipes, from Mexican to Italian to Ethiopian. Browse by category, cuisine, or dietary needs!
Dotnom - All Recipes
www.dotnom.com/all_recipesTournant – Rezeptmanager für Android (mit Gourmand-Kompatibilität)
tournant.zimbelstern.euRecipe manager for Android (with Gourmand compatibility)
GourmandRecipeManager/gourmand: A recipe manager for desktop with the possibilities to import, organize, and tweak recipes
github.com/GourmandRecipeManager/gourmandA recipe manager for desktop with the possibilities to import, organize, and tweak recipes
Cooking With Kyle
cookingwithkyle.comWholesome vegan recipes with a twist
Cooklang – Recipe Markup Language
cooklang.orgCooklang and the tools we’ve built to use it, you can:
simplify your personal recipe management;
streamline your shopping routine;
make cooking more fun.
Here’s how the Cooklang ecosystem makes that happen:
All recipes are human-readable text files.
Everything is a file. No databases. And you have complete control over your information.
All the tools are simple, focused, and efficient; the UNIX way.
Lye Calculator - TheSage.com
www.the-sage.com/lyecalcEthical Chocolate Companies — Slave Free Chocolate
www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companiesFind out how you can tell if the chocolate you are eating is connected to child slavery.
Writing for Reading
www.marginalia.nu/log/03-writing-for-readingIf you call attention to everything, you call attention to nothing; all while cluttering up the presentation with colors and doodads that actively impair reading specifically because they constantly attract the attention of the reader away from reading.
sit.sonnet.ioShare with a friend who needs to sit the fuck down or enjoy the experience yourself.
selfcare.tech - developer resources for self-care
selfcare.techa repository of self-care resources for developers & others
openfarm.cc/enLearn to farm or garden with community created guides
Jewish Calendar, Hebrew Date Converter, Holidays - hebcal.com
www.hebcal.comHolidays, candle-lighting times, and Torah readings for any year, past or present.
Pastafarian Holiday Calendar 🍝
www.pastafariancalendar.comPerpetual calendar of Pastafarian holy days (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)
Trinary Sigil Generator
www.chaostarot.com/appA sigil generator with loads of options to create magical sigils for your practice, plus many other occult tools (tarot, ritual, runes, etc)
hierophant.app#/spreadsOnline tarot reader.
Home - Sacred-Texts ISTA - Internet Sacred Text Archive
sacred-texts.comWelcome to the largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The Internet Sacred Text Archive (ISTA) is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship, and has the largest readership of any similar site on the web.
Encyclopedia Mythica
pantheon.orgEncyclopedia Mythica is an internet encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and religion.
Everything from Aaron to Zygius, with thousands of articles in between.
Pro Choice Resource Masterpost.pdf
www.docdroid.net/EJDo3sd/pro-choice-resource-masterpost-pdfPlease be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. Please comment if you would like to add a resource, or if a link is dead. And share this on whatever social media you want!. Resources for healthcare Amnesty.org ...
Menstruation Information and History Library : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
archive.org/details/menstruationA collection of materials and media related to menstruation and menopause. Note: Some materials may be out of date or not representative of current medical and educational standards.
I Love Being Trans! - Home
ilovebeingtrans.neocities.orgSome trans facts:
Being trans is great
Trans bodies are beautiful
Trans love is powerful love
Being trans is beautiful!
Cis By Default
thingofthings.wordpress.com/2015/01/28/cis-by-default"One of the big things we talk about, in trans feminism, is the concept of “gender identity”– the subjective internal sense of oneself as male, female, or nonbinary. Trans people are people whose gender identity doesn’t match their gender assigned at birth; cis people are people whose gender identity does.
But the thing is… I think that some people don’t have that subjective internal sense of themselves as being a particular gender. There’s no part of their brain that says “I’m a guy!”, they just look around and people are calling them “he” and they go with the flow. They’re cis by default, not out of a match between their gender identity and their assigned gender.
I'm Orientation Critical
old.reddit.com/r/GenderCynical/comments/7toiry/im_orientation_criticalLike most of you, the doubts began when I saw how quick libfems were to demonize anyone with opposing views. "Don't listen to him, he's a homophobe!" "You don't want to talk to her, she's a bigot!" What secrets do those libfems slur as "homophobes" hold that libfems are so desperate for us not to hear? So I began to dig deeper. I wanted to know more.
On Hating Men (And Becoming One Anyway)
thenewinquiry.com/on-hating-men-and-becoming-one-anywayA lot of people conceptualize transmasculinity as “wanting to be a man” rather than simply being (or inevitably becoming) one. This was not true for me, at least not always. Transition was an urge, a need, but what I wanted was just to be content as a woman.
Hudson's FTM Resource Guide
www.ftmguide.orgThis Guide is intended to provide information on topics of interest to female-to-male (FTM, F2M) trans men, and their friends and loved ones. Non-trans men have also found the pages on men's grooming and clothing to be helpful.