Tag religion
8 bookmarks have this tag.
8 bookmarks have this tag.
I've reviewed every prophecy on the Antichrist, and what I read blew my mind. (Updated with new signs, 6/10/2020)
I'm not a Christian, but...
Holidays, candle-lighting times, and Torah readings for any year, past or present.
Perpetual calendar of Pastafarian holy days (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)
A sigil generator with loads of options to create magical sigils for your practice, plus many other occult tools (tarot, ritual, runes, etc)
Online tarot reader.
Welcome to the largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The Internet Sacred Text Archive (ISTA) is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship, and has the largest readership of any similar site on the web.
Encyclopedia Mythica is an internet encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and religion.
Everything from Aaron to Zygius, with thousands of articles in between.