Tag math
43 bookmarks have this tag.
43 bookmarks have this tag.
Exploding Dots are sweeping the globe! Consistently described as "mind blowing," this mathematical experience will completely revolutionize your thinking of school arithmetic, algebra, and beyond. Exploding Dots are so exciting that their story has thrilled millions -- YES MILLIONS -- of students and teachers and parents and administrators across the globe. They are a global phenomenon. (Check out www.globalmathproject.org too.)
(A substantial part of this post was rewritten since it was first posted. I managed to mangle things while editing, and the result was not particularly comprehensible: for example, in the original …
The beauty of math; the humor of stupidity.
There’s an image going around that purports to explain the origin of the arabic numerals. It’s cute. It claims to show why the numerals that we use look the way that they do. Here it is…
varpi and lemniscates
if n0,n_1 have the same parity (both odd or both even), then winner is: max{n0,n1}
else, if n0,n_1 have different parity, then the winner is: min{n0,n1}
Mathematics teacher Philip Lloyd with a model of his “Phantom Parabolas” showing the real position of imaginary solutions of equations. Very few people wake excitedly every Sunday at 3am thinking...
Zoe Griffiths investigates paranormal quadratics
A playful venture into the vast and mysterious forests of combinatorial game theory.
This one simple game will change the way you look at numbers forever! Hackenbush is easy to pick up, but exploring its strategy leads us down a fantastical mathematical rabbit hole, through which can be found the roots of our familiar number system, intricately entangled with a host of new and exotic numeric species lurking alongside them.
The Dozenal Society of America is an international non-profit dedicated to researching, using, and teaching about dozenals (duodecimals) and other non-decimal number bases.
seximal is a positional notation numbering system that uses base six. it's a lot like decimal, only better in basically every way.
Tool to convert or write Kaktovik numbers. The Kaktovik Iñupiaq numerals are used in Alaska by Inuit peoples.
Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, worksheets and an illustrated dictionary. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents.
Math3ma is a blog about mathematics, maintained by Tai-Danae Bradley.
What if not only could you divide by zero, but you could understand the rest of math better because of it? Come here if you want to learn the truth!
In Mathematics, more than any other field of study, have we heard proclamations and statements similar to, "The Negro is incapable of succeeding." Ancient and present achievements contradict such statements. One of the purposes of this website is to exhibit the inaccuracy of those proclamations by exhibiting the accomplishments of the peoples of Africa and the African Diaspora within the Mathematical Sciences.
Matt Parker and Bec Hill present: A Problem Squared. A podcast dedicated to solving problems of all kinds, such as, "What should I listen to right now?". A Podcast Squared. First one's free. You're welcome.
A math logic puzzle game created in collaboration with artifical intelligence (ChatGPT)