Tag transgender
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9 bookmarks have this tag.
All the information you need to be informed on DIY Hormone Replacement Therapy
Why would someone who is “really” a woman “want to be” a man? Easy: She’s experiencing sexism, and she wants out. So do you, but you are fighting sexism the right way, by being a feminist. This other person, who claims to have “gender dysphoria,” is just trying to cut to the head of the line. They’re cheating. They’re trying to become the oppressor rather than fighting the oppression. Why would anyone be a trans man? Because they’re a bad, sexist person. That’s the only possible answer. After all: It's not like they will literally die if they don't transition. Right?
If they want to be men, why, you’ll treat them like men! But with a particular, angry emphasis, because you view their manhood as a betrayal! And this is not only feminist, it is trans-inclusive, because you’re treating them the same way you would any other guy!
They aren’t “any other guy.” They’re trans guys, and you’re a cis person, and as such, you hold social and political power over them, which you are ignoring in order to assume total authority over an experience you do not share, and (this seems pertinent) to get away with treating somebody like crap because they are transgender. You're not treating them the way you treat "any other guy," you're treating them the way you treat trans guys, and the way you treat trans guys is: Bad.
New zine for sale!
A very specific guide to talking about trans people with confidence and respect
It's aiming to be a beginner-to-advanced guide for allies, with an informative and nerdy tone. It...
Some trans facts:
Being trans is great
Trans bodies are beautiful
Trans love is powerful love
Being trans is beautiful!
"One of the big things we talk about, in trans feminism, is the concept of “gender identity”– the subjective internal sense of oneself as male, female, or nonbinary. Trans people are people whose gender identity doesn’t match their gender assigned at birth; cis people are people whose gender identity does.
But the thing is… I think that some people don’t have that subjective internal sense of themselves as being a particular gender. There’s no part of their brain that says “I’m a guy!”, they just look around and people are calling them “he” and they go with the flow. They’re cis by default, not out of a match between their gender identity and their assigned gender.
Like most of you, the doubts began when I saw how quick libfems were to demonize anyone with opposing views. "Don't listen to him, he's a homophobe!" "You don't want to talk to her, she's a bigot!" What secrets do those libfems slur as "homophobes" hold that libfems are so desperate for us not to hear? So I began to dig deeper. I wanted to know more.
A lot of people conceptualize transmasculinity as “wanting to be a man” rather than simply being (or inevitably becoming) one. This was not true for me, at least not always. Transition was an urge, a need, but what I wanted was just to be content as a woman.
This Guide is intended to provide information on topics of interest to female-to-male (FTM, F2M) trans men, and their friends and loved ones. Non-trans men have also found the pages on men's grooming and clothing to be helpful.