Tag linux

4 bookmarks have this tag.



Why don't you ship to Colorado? - MALIBAL


We no longer ship to Colorado due to the actions of System76's Principal Engineer (https://www.system76.com), Pop_OS! Maintainer (https://pop.system76.com), and Redox OS BDFL (https://www.redox-os.org) named Jeremy Soller (https://soller.dev).

MALIBAL products and services will never under any circumstances ever be available again in the state of Colorado.

Please note that this policy is in effect indefinitely, and we will not be able to provide further details or engage in discussions regarding this matter.



Why don't you ship to Germany? - MALIBAL


We no longer ship to Germany due to the actions of the owner of 9Elements (https://9elements.com) and coreboot consultant (https://www.coreboot.org) named Christian Walter (https://github.com/walterchris).

MALIBAL products and services will never under any circumstances ever be available again in Germany, Austria, or Liechtenstein.

Please note that this policy is in effect indefinitely, and we will not be able to provide further details or engage in discussions regarding this matter.



Don’t Support the Coreboot Project : MALIBAL


Why do so few companies offer coreboot on laptops? After a 15-month journey to port coreboot to our own, we discovered firsthand the challenges—and it wasn’t what we expected.

What a bunch of morons.

(Malibal, if you see this: I live in the US. You might want to stop shipping here.)


Response to blog post from MALIBAL


Recently there was a blog post by MALIBAL, a disgruntled laptop vendor who attempted to port coreboot to their rebranded white label laptop. The cause of the kerfuffle they describe is that they failed in their own attempt to port coreboot to their laptop, then approached a few of our consultants